@phdthesis{oai:osaka-dent.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000375, author = {新井, 是英 and Arai, Korehide}, month = {2023-04-05, 2024-03-01}, note = {The fit of mouthguards fabricated using working models produced by a 3D printer based on impressions taken with an intraoral scanner were compared with the fit of those fabricated by conventional methods, i.e. mouthguards formed on plaster models using a pressure thermoforming machine. A maxillary dentition model was used as the master model. A total of 20 working models were replicated with hard plaster. The master model was scanned using an intraoral scanner, and 10 working models were produced using a 3D printer. A pressure thermoforming machine was used for 10 of the working models, and a vacuum former was used for the other 10. Mouthguard sheets were formed on 10 plaster models and 10 3D printer models using a pressure thermoforming machine. Similarly, the mouthguard sheets were formed on 10 plaster models using a vacuum former. The fit of the mouthguards fabricated by thermoforming on the working model fabricated by the 3D printer was not comparable to that of those fabricated by the conventional method. However, it was better than that of the mouthguards fabricated using the vacuum former. We concluded that, the fit of the mouthguards fabricated by thermoforming on a working model fabricated by a 3D printer is clinically acceptable.}, school = {大阪歯科大学, Osaka Dental University}, title = {Thermoforming accuracy of mouthguards incorporating digital dental technology into the conventional fabrication procedure}, year = {}, yomi = {アライ, コレヒデ} }